An M. Sc. Viva on a Proposed Design of a Secure Data Communication System




The postgraduate student (Saja A'llam Talib) was granted an M. Sc. in computers engineering on 27/12/2017 for her thesis:

"A Proposed Design of a Secure Data Communication System"

The committee consisted of:

  1. Thamir Rasheed Sa'eed as presedent
  2. Mahmood Zaki as a member
  3. Munaf Sabri Tappo as a member
  4. Azad Raheem Kareem as member and supervisor

Because security is an importance issue in our modern society, there is a lot of research nowadays that serve this subject and are all looking for the best way to increase the complexity of security systems. This work uses data security system depending on cryptographic technique by utilizing bidirectional associative memory after improving its performance and using the proposed algorithm in the encryption and decryption of data.
